Saturday, January 30, 2010

She Dresses Herself...

Ok, so truly one of the most amazing things about my daughter is her sense of style. It all started about 6 months ago... mornings were a real nightmare. Lots of fighting about getting ready, eating breakfast and getting out of the house on time. The usual in a house with small children. So we instituted two firm new rules... 1. Josephine must pick out her outfits at night before bedtime, and 2. She has to get dressed BEFORE she can eat. Problem solved, right?

Well, kind of. You see this extra time in the evenings spent selecting her outfits, along with a healthy addiction to Project Runway, has unleashed the fashionista in her. And boy does she have her own kind of style. We think of it as homeless child chic. Lots of layers, mostly dresses with skirts under them, and always short sleeves or tanks over long sleeves. Most recently she has discovered belting, which adds a nice element. Oh, and don't think she forgets her accessories. Usually she has one necklace, a blue furry scarf, and several headbands.

She's 4 going on 14... where has the time gone?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, I've taken the plunge. I'm going to commit to blogging about life, family, and all of the weirdness of my days. Not sure anyone will read it, or if anyone even cares. But at least this way I won't be left out of all fun. Mostly, I want to document the daily grind of stay at home motherhood and the amazing things we do behind closed doors. There is a lot of rolling around on couch cushions on the floor and dancing in the living room. If nothing else we have a lot of fun and laugh constantly. At least in between all the screaming we do! Ha!

Ok, wish me luck...