Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cornwall 2012... Can we just stay forever??

Well, just when I thought the best vacation of the year would be skiing, along comes our trip to Cornwall. The three kids and I set off with my mom, Grammy Lee, and we had no idea what to expect. I have to admit, the day of arrival was a rocky beginning. The baby didn't want to fall asleep and after a long drive I was tired and hungry. But after we got into a routine it was really smooth sailing. Cornwall was breathtakingly beautiful, even with colder weather than we would have liked. It wasn't great for beach play as the wind was blowing and it was in the mid 50s, but there were lots of other great places to explore. We had so much fun we decided to stay an extra night! It was a perfect family vacation and the Sands Resort outside of Newquay was first rate.

Enjoy the pictures...

Dairyland Playground and Working Dairy Farm
Vertical slides in the indoor play area... pretty wild!
Zip Line!

Porth Beach, just down the road from our Hotel

The view out of our window at the hotel
Lots of fun playing in the hotel room

More views from the cliffside
St Michael's Mount

Trebah Gardens

The Eden Project

This place was AMAZING! I would recommend everyone in London should try to make a trip out to Cornwall to see it. It is a really inspiring facility established ten years ago to promote green living, increased knowledge about nature and responsible use of resources.

Josephine is quite the Rock Climber
That's her on the right!
The velcro bouncy wall! VERY funny!
Pretending to be a Venus Flytrap and a Fly

There were two huge Biomes, one for a Tropical Climate and one for a Mediterranean climate

Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 McCrea Lane

Well, as some of you may have heard, we have bought a house back in Darien, CT. Or, I should say, we are BUYING a house, so fingers are still crossed. Closing is set for the middle of May. For those of you interested in a brief tour, here is a video I've put together. We have big plans for painting and adding some rock to the exterior and a new kitchen for me! Then in a few years we might even add a bedroom for Josephine, but we'll have to wait and see how moody her teenage years become! If her recent attitude is any indication, the work will need to be done sooner rather than later! :)

We're hoping to move back in the Summer of 2013, and we are planning to rent the house until then. But we can't wait to come home.
