Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Cake and 35 miles... Really?

Well, our day came and went, without an Easter Egg hunt. I just couldn't muster the dedication it would have taken to re-stuff and hide the 50+ eggs Josephine found on Saturday at our neighborhood Egg Hunt. Thank you Renie and Chris! And don't you love Josephine's Easter Egg "Basket?" She loves her new soccer shoes so much she insisted on using the box.

But the day wasn't without some drama and fun. First deluxe breakfast and church. At the latter, it was revealed to us that Josephine was actually quite sick. She complained the entire time about her ear and couldn't even sit up for most of the service.

So home we headed to start Easter dinner, and oh, wait, did I mention the lost dog from the morning? Oh yes... cute as could be, lost, well-fed, friendly, no collar, black lab was out in our front yard this morning as we were leaving. I couldn't bring myself to just leave him wandering the neighborhood, so we put him in the courtyard and came back to deal with him. After a few blocks of walking and asking if anyone knew his owner, we decided to call the Darien Police, and the owner was at our door within 30 minutes! Easter saved for BOTH families! :) His name was 'chip', and Josephine misses him sporadically, but with some apparent nostalgia. Who knew a dog in the life of a 5-year-old for all of 45 minutes could make such an impression. And she's mentioned how old she is and how much she would love to have a dog at least 5 times since he left! Ughhh...

Then, after dinner was cooking, Josephine and I were off to the urgent care, where, after waiting for well over an hour to just see the doctor, we were informed that yes she does have another ear infection, or maybe it's just the last one, never quite gone away. Either way, she is resting now with motrin and antibiotics and lots and lots of CAKE. Yes, Easter cake! It's our new tradition, complete with a "Happy Easter to You" sung to the Happy Birthday tune. Candles and ALL! Daddy gets all the credit, with some help from Josephine on the blue dots and lots of help from Chris Jr. with all the extra cake he cut off. (The open mouth cake eating pic absolutely kills me!)

Overall it was a great day! Despite all of the unforeseen visitors and doctor visits. Ah... children and dogs, you can't live with them, and you can't live without them... well, we CAN live without the dog. Thank goodness!

Oh, and one more weekend tidbit, for those of you who thought that Chris Sr. was sounding remarkably sane in this entry... my husband started off the weekend on Thursday by running home from work. And yes kids, he works in MANHATTAN and we live in CONNECTICUT! Total journey... 35 MILES! Left at 5pm and arrived home around 1:30am. Part of his training for the 100 mile race he's doing in VT at the beginning of May. I am officially married to a maniac. But God do I love him! :)

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