Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Latest Adventures

Easter 2011

Bank Holiday #1: Easter and a New Play Ground

Our newest Easter tradition... Apple Pie! Yum! Since I can't eat dairy this was the best dessert I could think of for Easter dinner. Only we decided it might be even better for breakfast, it was a perfect way to fuel up for the egg hunt around the flat! I insisted that we let the kids enjoy lots of their treats. They were high on sugar for HOURS!

Holding all of HIS eggs
Lots of stickers
Dying eggs
Easter Baskets and an Egg hunt around the flat
The basket Aftermath!
Princess Diana Memorial Playground
Our new favorite park, it has security at the entrance and only families with children are allowed in. The park is complete with tree forts and secret trails in the bushes, a pirate ship, water and sand play area and there is even a cafe and carousel outside the gates. It was a perfect way to spend one of our bank holidays!

Our littlest Cowgirl

Bank Holiday Weekend #2: Royal Wedding Party, Josephine's First Sleepover, and Dover Castle!

We hosted our friends Dana and Brian and their three girls and Dana's mom and dad to watch the wedding on TV. It was a lot of fun and very exciting, even though we didn't brave the streets. Of course I have no pictures of the party. :( Bad mother!

Saturday we met Cecilia and her kids at the zoo and ended up back at our flat for dinner. Isabella decided that she would LOVE to stay the night, so Josephine finally had her first official sleep over! She was VERY excited. The girls enjoyed a late night movie complete with lemonade and popcorn, and were finally both asleep by 10pm!

Dover Castle
I have no pictures of the actual Castle, but you can see it online if you really want to. It was quite impressive! My snap shots consisted mostly of the kids antics, though they were all shockingly well behaved during the trip... maybe we're seeing a light at the end of the tunnel! :)

Playing on the 'canons'
The White Cliffs of Dover, VERY pretty
"I want the sword!"
Superdad pushing all three up the hill

They wanted me to help them explore every nook and cranny. In the tunnels I kept making loud breathing sounds and trying to convince them it was a dragon. Both were genuinely concerned for at least a little while!

The final solution to all the bickering and hitting in the car. Chris pulled over and wedged a large piece of cardboard between Josephine and Chris Jr. It worked like a charm and soon we had peace and quiet!

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