Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spring Highlights...

Ok, I missed May, but here goes...

Girls Trip to Paris was a lot of fun. Highlights were climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower with Josephine and eating lots of delicious French food.

Arc de Triomphe with Grammy Boutwell

The top of the Eiffel Tower

She LOVES to dress up

Maddie, Chris & his friend Haleigh

Chris Jr's Birthday Celebration at School

Our littlest cook

Birthday Celebration for Chris Jr.

The party theme was tools and even Maddie wanted to help

We surprised the kids with a trip to EuroDisney. It was fun but exhausting and Maddie was VERY scared of the characters.

The Money Shot... This is what the trip is all about, right?

She REALLY loves her big brother

Dover Castle with Grammy and Grampa Olmstead

After Kelly's Cheerleading Birthday Party... Very cute!

Last day of 1st Grade with Ms. Michelle

Bonding with Grammy, they built a 'forest preserve' for his farm animals

German souvenirs Grammy brought back from the trip to Munich

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