Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ok, I need to get my act together... I KNOW!

Well this blog thing seems to have petered out quickly. Maybe all the news and changes will help inspire me to add some details and write these a little more frequently. As for the update on our family, we've got lots of changes on the horizon... at the end of the summer we're moving to LONDON! Yes that's right, across the "pond," as so many keep reminding me. I'm honestly filled with mixed emotions about the decision. It's a huge step for Chris and he's really happy about the opportunity at work, but moving the kids so far from all our family and the life we have created here is quite intimidating. But status quo has never been our thing, so we decided that we might as well give it a go.

As for the kids, they've been VERY busy. Both kids had birthdays this spring, Josephine in April and Chris Jr. in May. We had a great day out in the city for Josephine, with lots of family and cousins along for the fun. Chris Jr. got a wonderful homemade cake, decorated by Daddy, with car wrecks and rivers on it! Don't mind the missing corner, Chris Jr. had it for breakfast, he just couldn't wait for candles later in the day!
Josephine also just had her first ballet recital, which was fun but a little chaotic. I've never seen so many saved seats and extended family in all my life. Who would have thought a 5 year old's recital would garner such interest! It was standing room only, and you guessed it, I was left standing. But the two minutes that her class performed were glorious! Very cute.

And finally for the funniest of our recent adventures. That would be entering the land of trying to remove greasy products from a toddlers hair. Yes, that's right... this morning I heard Chris Jr. at about 7am, but he often talks and sings to himself for a bit so I left him in bed. Things were quiet for at least 30 minutes, and then he finally began to cry. I entered his room to find one of the funniest things I think I've ever seen. He had kicked his crib away from the wall and then pulled it over to his dresser. There he'd found a conveniently located basket full of lotions, ointments, and thankfully two markers. In the dark he managed to accomplish quiet a lot. And amazingly enough, very little was on his bedding, he saved it all for himself, most particularly, his head. This was the sight...

Such a serious face to go with his treachery. He is so devilish! I LOVE it! I wanted to be mad, but I seriously couldn't stop laughing. He had an entire large tub of Aquafor on his head! After one bath with 4 shampoos he looked like a greaser from the 1950s who hadn't showered in a week. Tonight I tried again with 4 shampoos of dish soap hoping the degreaser might help. He still looks pretty bad! My little Chris, Daddy is off on Thursday... say good bye to your messy do and hello to your buzz cut!

Oh, one more note... if you plan to shower in a bathtub that has recently been used in a similar scenario, make sure you clean it VERY well before you get in! Just a tad slippery. lol

1 comment:

  1. You have a reader and a fan! Now I know what Chris would look like as a ballerina.
