Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ok Life, Here We Come!

Well, it's official... we're moving to London and having another baby! Yes, you heard me right. We figured we might as well get two HUGE life changing experiences out of the way simultaneously. Well, not exactly, I mean, I'm not planning to actually give birth on the plane or anything, but close enough. The move is at the end of August, the baby is due in December. Have I completely lost my freaking mind?? I mean having a third child is pretty nuts all on its own. On Monday, as my Mom and I watched Josephine and Chris circling our living room in crazy hysterics, I remarked... "you know the only other thing we need right now? Another child!" What a laugh! Ha! It's going to be total and complete chaos. Anarchy. The shit will hit the fan over and over and over again, and I'll just be running around trying to wipe and mop it up! WOW! I don't need luck, I need prayers! And lots of them! :)

But on a lighter note, the beginning of our summer has brought a lot of fun family times. First, Josephine graduated from preschool. And let me tell you she was absolutely adorable. She was so proud of herself; she likes to mention to complete strangers, "I just graduated from preschool!" Very cute.

Chris Jr. has had no such similar life accomplishments of late. Well unless you count the lotion incident from my last entry, but that's a stretch. Although he did have a wonderful time tubing with Daddy at the lake over Memorial Day. He was bobbing up and down, nothing but smiles, yelling "faster, faster" and "bounce, bounce." Notice the new shorter hair cut in these pictures. The only real solution to the tub of Aquafor in his hair was to cut it all off! :)

One small Chris Jr. accomplishment... we've started some really basic potty training, which consists of him running around naked from the waist down peeing on command as often as possible on as many flat surfaces as he can find! Each time he does it he smiles and laughs as if he is so proud of himself! Now we just need him to aim into a container of some sort, preferably a potty. Should be a fun and wet summer! :)

Fun UK Tidbit:
Yesterday Josephine's dentist told us that over the years he's had many families move to and return from the UK and they have all shared the same experience. When US families take their young children to the dentist in the UK the doctors laugh at them. They say "these are baby teeth! why would we clean them?" It's accepted practice in the UK that children are not seen by a dentist until they are at least 16 years old! YUCK!!! I guess this explains a lot about the state of oral hygiene in England! He recommended that we make pediatric dental appointments when we come home for visits/holidays. So we have that to look forward to, which is nice. :)

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