Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Matching Shirts: "Nice Ax... Want to See My Posthole Digger?"

Required/Optional Gear
$50 in Pennies (approx. 30 lbs)
Posthole Digger
3 inch Knife
10 lbs of Onions
Large Greek Translation Textbook

Timeline of Race Events...

Friday, June 25th
6pm - Race Registration
8pm - Shuttle Van to top of Tweed River Mountain, leave useful gear on top of the mountain
8pm-4am - Aimlessly hiking up and down the Mountain grooming trails and moving bridges from place to place (Approx. 10-15 miles??)

Heading BACK up the Mountain
Saturday, June 26th
4am - The "Official" Start of the race
Task One - go back up the mountain again to retrieve your gear (Round Trip Approx. 10 miles)
7am - They reach the top, after about 700 feet under barbed wire, to find that they have to go back down again to retrieve 'paperwork' to get their gear, barbed wire included
9am - Reach the bottom of the mountain again, NOT the high point of the race so far
11am - Back up top they are allowed to retrieve their gear and head back to Amee Farm for task Two
1pm - Finally the hiking is over, or at least we THINK it's over.

After all the hiking

Task Two - Wood Chop or Farm work, because they both had axes they are given the task of quartering 25 logs of their choice, it's a slower process than last year, but much easier than the farm work option, which involved loading and moving 15 wheel barrows of manure across a large field
Choosing Their Logs

3pm - Wood Chop is complete

Task Three - Pennies in the Pond, involved counting out hundreds of pennies and bagging them up in zip locks in multiples of $5. At this point Chris decided to donate all but the required $5 of his pennies. He didn't want to count them and he'd had enough of carrying the extra 30 lbs. It proved to be a good move for him. John donated about $20 worth of pennies and kept the rest.
4:30 - After diving to the bottom of the pond to retrieve their pennies we were off to the next task.

Task Four - Up ANOTHER Mountain!?!? - Team Chris/John split up here, with Chris and Meredith heading up the hill to the 'Onion Store.' John and Colin soon followed and caught up to us about half way to the Cottage. By this time Chris was REALLY struggling with his hip. When he walked it looked as though his right leg was about 2 inches shorter than his left one. NOT a pretty sight! :) John looked great, he looked like he had it in him to go all the way.

Before his last push up the Mountain

At the cottage John bought some Chinese herbs before he and Colin made the final push bush-whacking up to the 'Onion Store'

6:30pm - We all reach the cottage, half way to the top of the Second Mountain
Task Four/Five - About 200 yards from the Onion Store Chris ran out of gas. His official Quit time was 7:54pm. John made it all the way to the Onion Store. There he followed a number of orders from the 'king.' His tasks included moving chopped wood from one location to another, cutting up his onions and buying his way out of eating a pound of his onions. He completed his tasks at about 9:30pm, and at this point he elected to stop racing rather than hike back down the unmarked mountain in the dark.

So officially neither John or Chris completed the race, but they had a great time and both are planning to return for more punishment next year!

Unofficial Racing Times:
Chris - 8pm-7:54pm - 23+ hours
John - 8pm-9:30pm - 25+ hours

Official Racing Times:
Chris - 4am-7:54pm - 15+ hours
John - 4am-9:30pm - 17+ hours

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