Friday, September 24, 2010

So, Am I lonely yet??

Well, we're into week four of our overseas adventure and so far so good. We've settled in at the 'flat' and the only thing left is hanging some pictures, which I can't seem to motivate my husband to do. Josephine begins drama and computer class in the ASL after school program next week and she's also really loving the soccer (football) program in Primrose Hill on the weekends. Chris Jr. is also doing well. We've found a new part time babysitter who is also Chinese and she comes at the beginning of each week. She's going to take him to a fun creative play class at Ready, Steady, Go, a little preschool/mommy and me program across the park. Then at the end of the week he and I go to the gym together and on Fridays he has a music class at Gymboree.

So, we're all settled, right? Right... Well, maybe not all settled. I'm still trying to find a place for myself here. I'm trying to volunteer at Josephine's school and meet new moms through the St. John's Wood Women's Club. But as those of you closest to me know, I don't really make friends easily. Sometimes it seems like moms are supposed to automatically be friends when they have children of the same age, and that just doesn't always work for me. I guess I need more of a connection with people before I really feel comfortable. What I'm really saying is that making friends is hard, and though I'm not a shy person by any means, I'm always surprised at how long it takes for me to build a connection with new people when we move to new places. In Darien it was probably a year or more before I felt like I had some friends there. I hope it doesn't take me as long to meet people here, that might make for a long, lonely year! :)
That said, we are really loving London. Last weekend we explored the National Science Museum in Kensington and I have never seen Chris Jr. so excited! He was running all over the place yelling about the rocket ships, moons and stars in the exhibit about space. It was adorable! Then we returned to St. John's Wood and had a great dinner with the kids, the highlight of which was sharing the most delicious strawberry milkshake I think I've ever had. I think they made it with gelato... it was DELICIOUS!

The kids have also finally discovered
the train set that we got from their cousins about two years ago. Chris Jr. actually went into Josephine's room one morning and built a track by himself, though it wasn't completely connected, and they are both enjoying making complicated tracks with their Daddy after work.

There are also some weird UK habits that I am struggling with:
- All the smoking! I am truly surprised that the entire country isn't dying of lung cancer!
- Not getting up for an obviously pregnant woman on public transportation. Even Chris has remarked on this one. I have YET to have someone get up and offer me their seat on any of the crowded buses we have ridden on. It's just strange, in the U.S. people would jump up and offer me their seat, maybe it's a talking to strangers thing, but I just can't figure it out.
- I also cannot figure out which side of the street/hall/stairs/sidewalk to walk on. This is particularly challenging when pushing a stroller, one-handed, in the rain, while carrying an umbrella, all the while people walking towards me seem to walk wherever they feel like and rarely move to the side to let me pass easily. I'm not going to lie, it can get a little frustrating.
- Tea... ok, so for some reason I have started drinking tea in the afternoons. Which is totally strange to me because I'm usually all alone in my house doing this... maybe it's the weather or maybe I'm just subconsciously getting into the UK spirit of things. Who knows, but it is yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Tea! What about the coffee maker? Miss ya all! Have fun with Dad next week. Things sound wonderful and I am glad the kids like the train set. Kisses to all.......B
