Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Living Vicariously Through Their Hair...

Well, the last week has been a whirlwind! We've survived our first overseas visitor, and I had SUCH a great time taking Chris' father Ron around town. Saturday evening we explored St. John's Wood. Sunday we split up for a bit and he made his first of three visits to the British Museum with Chris and Chris Jr. while Josephine and I went to soccer. Then in the afternoon it was back to the Science Museum for some rocket ships and space paraphernalia.

Monday Ron and I visited the British Library, which was probably one of the best museum experiences I've had in YEARS! I mean the highlights of their collection on display include the original Beowolf, the original Alice and Wonderland manuscript, a Mozart score, the Magna Carta... it doesn't get much better! They also had an amazing stamp collection including one of the famous upside down airplane stamps and stamps from the American Colonies during the Stamp Act. The former History teacher in me was going nuts!

Tuesday Chris and Josephine took the day off from work and school and we were off for a morning of London's greatest sites. We started at Parliament and Big Ben, went on to the London Eye and then finished our adventure at the Tower of London. All and all it was a great day. My favorite was the London Eye, which was slightly unnerving at first, but the views were unbeatable! Here are some of the best pictures:

By Wednesday we were all so tired that I took the day off and Ron continued on his U.K. adventure, spending the entire day out and about on his own in the city. He had a wonderful time going back to some of his favorites, including the British Museum and the Library and visiting Westminster Abbey. Overall it was a wonderful visit, and we hope he will come back soon (dragging others with him)!

On a Hair Note... Chris Sr. has really taken the living vicariously through the kids to a new level. Two weeks ago he dyed Josephine's hair pink. This week he decided to curl her hair one night with her American Girl rollers while it was wet and let her sleep on it. She looked pretty funny for school the next day. In addition to Josephine's hair adventures, he has also taken our little boy for a haircut that resembles something you would receive when joining the Marine Corps! The photos are pretty funny... enjoy!

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