Sunday, October 31, 2010

Super Heros, Dragons, and Me...

Yes, people, it's Halloween at the Olmstead's. And for those of you who know us best, it won't come as a surprise that each member of our family excels at Halloween for different reasons. I am partial not to dressing up, but rather to scaring small children, as was the tradition for many years with my family in Atlanta. This year didn't offer such an opportunity, but fear not, I scare my own children daily, so all is not lost!

My Husband on the other hand seems to excel at costumes of all sorts, but particularly in the home constructed variety and in great ideas for all costumes purchased. Case and point... this year's Halloween here in London. For the last three weeks Chris and Josephine have worked every weekend to complete one of the most beautiful homemade dragon costumes I've ever seen. Really it was a full family project consisting of card board and paper mache and lots of paint. Josephine wore the complete outfit twice, once at school for a huge Halloween parade the Lower School has every year. It was by far the best homemade costume there!

Then came Halloween night here in St. John's Wood. I have to say, the expats and Brits around here don't disappoint. Though Halloween isn't huge in the UK you wouldn't have known it walking around the neighborhood. There were hundreds of kids and families in every direction! Houses were all running out of candy, and people were dying for Chris and Chris Jr.'s matching Captain America costumes. We were stopped no less than five times for them to pose for pictures with complete strangers. Not sure what would possess someone to want a picture of my husband in tight blue spandex, but hey, more power to them!

All and all, the fall has been truly spectacular. Between the weather, which has been beautiful, and all the fun London sites we've been enjoying we couldn't have asked for more. Friends, please stay in touch and come visit soon. Baby is just around the corner! Six weeks and counting! Thank GOD! :)

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