Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ahh... Livin' the Dream.

Vacation Pictures:
Pottery on the wheel at Blue China in Totnes, Devon
On Knowle Farm, Devon
Chris eating his sundae at the Pizza Express in Plymouth

Chinese New Year Dinner with Cecilia and her kids, Isabella, Alex and Chloe

Well, here we are people. Smack dab in the middle of life. You'd think there would be a lot to report, and in the larger scheme of things we do have quite a bit going on. Three kids, including one that is just eight weeks old. A two and a half year old who's just starting pre-school and our oldest in Kindergarten. Chris Sr. is very busy at work and I'm... well, let's just say that at this point I AM.

But as I break down the bigger picture into smaller bite size pieces, these days I find myself consistently asking, "Really? Is this what I am meant to be doing right now?" And unfortunately I am at a loss. I mean these are the activities that make up my days:

- wake up, usually between 4 and 5 am
- don't shower
- change diapers
- change sheets
- struggle to dress the entire family
- rush through every meal, eating most standing up
- make lunches
- try to find clothes that fit
- try to exercise
- run errands
- try not to yell at the kids too much, especially Chris Jr.
- don't read anything
- sing endless Playhouse Disney songs in my head
- think of something even slightly healthy to feed the family for dinner
- try to sleep around a waking baby
- rock the baby
- watch TV with the kids
- rock the baby
- watch TV with the husband
- rock the baby
- nurse the baby every 3-4 hours all day long
- wake up, do it all over again...

So I've come to two conclusions. First, I am incredibly lucky to be living this life filled with love and opportunity, now I just have to figure out how to appreciate it more and take advantage of all that I have. And two, I'm going to try to rededicate my self to the blog, but in a slightly different, and somewhat more manageable way. I'm going to try and write shorter weekly entries that reflect on our struggles and achievements as a young family and I'm going to include weekly pictures. Less pressure to be perfect, more pressure to just document what we're doing, seeing, feeling, loving, laughing at, and fighting about. Ok, so now I just have to do it... Ready, Set, Go.

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