Monday, February 21, 2011

First Night Out

Maddie's first tube ride

Well, I'm just back from our first night out without the kids. Chris' parents Cynthia and Ron are here visiting and they suggested it, so we booked a hotel room and took off for the entire night! I was really nervous. Despite having three children I still seem to worry a lot about little Madeline. I would have guessed that after having two other children the anxiety would have subsided. And I'm sure it has a bit; I doubt we would have left Josephine for a night this early in her life. But despite our concerns we decided that a quiet, full night of sleep was worth it!

In the words of my mother-in-law Cynthia "you guys take this all a little too seriously." AMEN sister! She is SO right. Of course, everything went well in our absence. So as it turns out the kids CAN survive for short periods of time on TV and junk food! Ha! No, just kidding, everyone was great and the kids slept well and hardly noticed that we were gone.

Chris and I thoroughly enjoyed our night at Le Meridian Piccadilly, which was actually quite nice, and I came home refreshed and ready to tackle another day of babies, toddlers, exercise, shots for the littlest one, and dinner. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Josephine is off from school along with Chris Sr. so we're planning a fun morning out with Grammy and Grampa, perhaps to the National Gallery. Then we are scheduled for high tea at Grosvenor House. Should be a fun day.

"Illegal" Picture of Cyn inside Westminster Abbey

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