Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trainer? Diet? Carbs? Ughhh...

Well, as you might be able to tell by the title, it's time to get serious about losing the baby weight. My friend Jen and I split 7 dual sessions with this crazy trainer, also named Chris, and we met with him on Tuesday. Funny, when he measured our body fat mine was 23% and Jen's was 20% and we were both pretty excited. I mean low twenties is usually thought to be pretty good for a woman, meanwhile the adonis that is our trainer had this look on his face that said "oh man, look at these fatties I have to work with!" Ha! It was really funny. He's given us a very strict diet in addition to a few other suggestions. Jen had poached chicken and leeks for breakfast this morning, I had a bagel with peanut butter and half a bowl of granola. Hmmm... I wonder which of us will be more successful!? lol

The kids are great, Josephine is preparing for her upcoming role in her K2 play, Goldilocks. She has "the lead in the play." And is VERY excited about all the preparations. Little does she know that her grandmother and cousin Danny will be surprising her that week for her birthday. We will all be going to Euro Disney in Paris for a long weekend. Should be a lot of fun.

Chris Jr. is back in school, but has moved to three days a week so that he can nap the other days. He's seeming a little more rested, though he's got another cold so it's hard to tell. Maddie is also a bit under the weather. She had her second set of shots on Tuesday and I think her legs are a little sore. Also, she's definitely working on some teeth and seems to be quite bothered by them. She was so upset last night she slept with me all night. I loved every second of it!! :) It's nice to be able to relish all of these small moments with our last baby.

Chris Sr. had a great trip to Asia for work, although he ate a lot of unusual items and drank so many Chinese toasts at one lunch that he was quite sick for the rest of the afternoon. His jet lag seems to be gone and he's back to running to work as usual. He still hasn't missed a day since we moved here! Very impressive!

More Weekly Pics:

Heading to the Zoo with Grammy and Grampa

Posing at the Zoo

Napping after Chris Sr's return from China

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Black Tie Weekend

Well, our big night out was a success! ASL held it's semi-annual PCA auction fundraiser last weekend and Chris and I decided to attend, despite having a 12 week old at home. To ease my mind we had our sitter bring a friend for a few hours to get through bath and bedtime and everything went well. And you'll be impressed to hear that Chris and I didn't get home until after 1am! REALLY late for people who are typically in bed by 9! ha!

I also chaperoned my first school trip last week, to the Royal Academy of Art. Although it was a beautiful building and had a very good British Sculpture exhibit, I think the subject matter of many of the pieces of art was a little old for the kids, who were regularly overheard saying "hey, there's another weenie statue!" But I did enjoy spending the time with Josephine and her classmates and teachers.

This week we are preparing to have Josephine home from school for spring break and then working on plans for her birthday celebration. Should be a lot of fun, more details to follow. Chris Jr. is separating much better at school and his key teacher says he spent most of this week showing off his big muscles and even demonstrated how strong he is by hitting one of his classmates in the head with an empty milk bottle! Oops! Thankfully the kid hit him back with a frying pan so I didn't feel too bad! lol Little Madeline is still feeling better, although she's not sleeping as well as she has. She spends a lot of time in her car seat being dragged from one place to another, but she seems content and is really filling the role of third child well.

All in all it's been a fun couple of weeks and we're looking forward to a week off from school to relax and not rush in the mornings.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I can't stop eating peanut butter!

Well, being off dairy for the little girl's reflux has pushed me in a whole new direction of eating. I'm testing the limits of what tastes good with peanut butter. So far my favorite is my bagel in the morning and apples for a snack. Without cheese I just feel so hungry all the time! The other day Chris Jr. dipped is carrot in peanut butter, but I have to say it wasn't my favorite. haha

Chris and I are getting ready for our first big night out. ASL has is having it's black tie fundraiser this Saturday and we've decided to go. I'm actually wearing a dress that I had from before the baby and it fits!

Chris Jr. is doing very well in preschool and he even has a little girl friend named Sophia. He is very attached to her and his teacher says he finds her everyday and greets her with a hug and a kiss. Adorable!

Pictures of the week:

Maddie's first English tea, in St. John's Wood with Cynthia and Ron

We are playing a lot more. I'm finding all the kids are better behaved if I just stop and take a few minutes to sit down and play with them. Here are the kids with the baby.

Josephine drew it and then we built it. This was a lot of fun.

Last weekend we happened upon a really cool event. We went up to Alexander's Palace to show the kids a skate park and playground and when we got there we realized there was also an international custom bike and trike show. Chris Sr. was in heaven! It was a lot of fun, complete with a trick motorcycle demonstration. I'm sure that Maddie was by FAR the youngest person there! haha