Thursday, March 3, 2011

I can't stop eating peanut butter!

Well, being off dairy for the little girl's reflux has pushed me in a whole new direction of eating. I'm testing the limits of what tastes good with peanut butter. So far my favorite is my bagel in the morning and apples for a snack. Without cheese I just feel so hungry all the time! The other day Chris Jr. dipped is carrot in peanut butter, but I have to say it wasn't my favorite. haha

Chris and I are getting ready for our first big night out. ASL has is having it's black tie fundraiser this Saturday and we've decided to go. I'm actually wearing a dress that I had from before the baby and it fits!

Chris Jr. is doing very well in preschool and he even has a little girl friend named Sophia. He is very attached to her and his teacher says he finds her everyday and greets her with a hug and a kiss. Adorable!

Pictures of the week:

Maddie's first English tea, in St. John's Wood with Cynthia and Ron

We are playing a lot more. I'm finding all the kids are better behaved if I just stop and take a few minutes to sit down and play with them. Here are the kids with the baby.

Josephine drew it and then we built it. This was a lot of fun.

Last weekend we happened upon a really cool event. We went up to Alexander's Palace to show the kids a skate park and playground and when we got there we realized there was also an international custom bike and trike show. Chris Sr. was in heaven! It was a lot of fun, complete with a trick motorcycle demonstration. I'm sure that Maddie was by FAR the youngest person there! haha

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