Friday, June 3, 2011


Josephine amazes me almost everyday for so many reasons...

...for the amount of backtalk she can dish out, especially in the car!

...for her amazing capacity to love her little sister, seemingly more and more each and every day. This week I found her actually changing her diaper! I asked "how did you get her on the changing table?" She replied "I used the stool."

...for her continuing sense of style, or lack there of! lol

...for her love of her little brother, despite all of the bickering, scratching, hitting, yelling, wrestling, pinching, pushing, arguing and just the general lack of sharing. Although we do have to give him credit, unlike me, he LOVES to share food! :)

...for her attraction to all things gross and scary. This was her and Kelly holding a HUGE snail that Josephine picked up off the ledge outside of one of our windows after a rain. I returned home to be greeted at the door with it, and subsequently chased around the house. YIKES! I mean totally DISGUSTING! I almost didn't come in. I was screaming and telling her to stop and get rid of it. She was hysterical.

...but today it was this poem about London, which she read aloud during her class poetry breakfast at ASL. I was beyond proud. I cried. It is so simple, yet eloquent and lovely, just like she is. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. the sweetest post - loved her poem! wow, amazing for a 6 year old! my goodness! i love your blog title too ;) classic!
    i *try* to keep a blog...if you're interested here it is:
