Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Highlights

Well, there was too much to report in detail, so here's the basics:

- A great party at the Primmer's in Darien and seeing so many of our old friends
- Chris' brother Tim and sister Katie and her husband Matt hiking with him during the Death Race
- Relaxing at Beth's house
- July 4th at the lake, two words... fireworks & margaritas, need I say more? :)
- Seeing the kids with all of our family. They could not have been happier to see all of their cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents.
- Our visit to Atlanta, including a nice trip to the Georgia Aquarium and a VERY late night of dinner and dancing for me with Ang and CC, ahhhh... to be young again.
- Josephine wake boarding at 6 years old! She was amazing!
- Trip with Josephine and Maddie to Darien and my girls night out. We had such inappropriate conversation... it was great!
- Beth and Colin coming back to London with us
- Our trip to Scotland with Beth, Colin and Grammy & Grampa Boutwell. Hiking to the top of one of the old volcanoes in the city was truly one of the most amazing things we've ever done as a family.

- The weather in VT for the Death Race, hard rain for three days straight! Yuck!
- Packing, unpacking, packing, unpacking, packing, unpacking... you get the idea
- Dirt in many forms, including lots of dirty children and dirty clothes
- Flying with the kids, although it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but really nothing ever is! :)
- Not having my regular gym and regular babysitters, but with so much help from family we did the best that we could.
- Saying goodbye to so many people that we love :(

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