Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm Squeezing in October

Well, right before I run out of days I guess I should blog a little more about September and October. London has been beautiful. After a few rainy and cold weeks in September the weather got its act together and I have no complaints. Especially when I read that many of our CT friends are once again without power and covered in snow. Could we have picked a better couple of years NOT to be living there?

The kids on the other hand have been a real handful. Lots of transitioning, with sleeping being the biggest struggling for everyone. Chris seems to need a nap but won't take one and then stays up until 9pm every night with some kind of 'second wind', Maddie takes naps and is still whiny and tired all the time, and Josephine wants to sleep late daily. We're finally entering the alarm clock stage of life during the week and the cartoons in the morning stage of life on the weekends. It has positives and negatives.

Fall Highlights:
- Josephine's trip to New York to see her Olmstead extended family
- My Spartan Race here in London, I'm plotting several races next year! I highly recommend them, VERY fun!
- My yoga retreat
- Josephine's extracurricular activities, which include soccer, Tae Kwon Doe & violin
- Chris Jr. LOVING his school and especially the girls he's been meeting! Rhett is his "special best friend." Very cute.
- Booking our trip for Chris' 40th birthday to the Canery Islands this December, thank goodness for Grammy Lee and Grampa Boutwell, who will be on duty while we are away.
- Lots of fun play dates with friends during Chris' half term from school. Not sure I get this whole British school schedule thing, every time you turn around these kids have 2/4 weeks off! Complete nightmare!
- Rihanna Concert here in London... we were 22 again for the night! I danced my a** off!
- Maddie crawling and pulling up on everything! Dangerous AND adorable, all at the same time!
- Chris going to the NFL game here in London, even though the Bucs lost.

Not So Highlights:
- four new teeth for Maddie, which makes for some long sleepless nights for us all.
- Chris traveling back and forth to New York too often. He's leaving again soon, but this time Chris Jr. will be visiting the Olmstead family in New York so that will be a highlight! :)
- Josephine missed her bus for the first time... ugh. Thankfully I called the school and they took pity on me and came back to get her.
- Having my name disparaged by my daughter while she was back in New York. Olmsteads, you know what I'm talking about!

Here are a few pics to give you an idea of what we've been up to:

On Our Way to School
Such a Big Boy
Canon's Park Celebration for Josephine's School
Hiking Azure Mtn at St. Regis with Aunt Katie
She was SO proud of Herself
This was Josephine's unsupervised craft time result, an amazing self portrait that is now framed over our bed.
This was Chris Jr.'s unsupervised craft time result, coloring himself like a tiger! I was equally proud of him! :)
Spartan Race Rope Wall, took me like four tries, but I finally made it!

Just one arm of bruises, I was COVERED from head to toe!
Our Naked Cowboy!
(He's wearing like half of his Halloween costume)
Cecilia's son Alex's 7th Birthday Celebration

Josephine at her school's Halloween Parade
Yes, that's right, she was a hammer and a nail!
I have to admit, it sounds weird, but it really is a great costume.
My new outfit after shopping with a friend who works in fashion. I felt very good for our night out! Yes people, that IS a black biker jacket! Can you believe it?? :)

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