Monday, November 21, 2011

Halloween & Family Pics

Funny, these pictures are cute, but they give a very false sense of contentment in our house of three small children. What you don't see most days consists of yelling, whining, crying, NOT sleeping, eating, exercising, trying not to yell, arts and crafts, cleaning, complaining, fighting, more whining, wishing we had more family around, day dreaming about a live-in nanny, day dreaming about getting a job, drinking, and a lot of TV. I hate to admit it, but we are just barely making it through most days, don't let the pictures fool you... raising three kids is no joke.

I often ask myself "what were you thinking?" Having three small children in a foreign country with no family around and few visitors has been really hard. We don't travel much because it's just so difficult to carry two tons of shit with us, which is basically what we have to take when we go anywhere. My only solace comes from hearing that others with large families can identify with our struggles. But nevertheless the kids are wonderful in their own ways and we have our health and a great life, so I'm going to try and focus on the positive and eat less chocolate.

Trick or Treating
The only picture where everyone is looking at the camera and NOT crying

Family Pictures in Primrose Hill Park,
they actually went pretty well, all things considered.

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