Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Can I Say?

It's been too long since I posted, but I have to start some where, so 2012, you begin in FEBRUARY!

Our littlest, Miss Madeline, or as the kids often call her, MadMad. She is SUCH a handful, but she's as cute as the day is long!

The view from our room in Tenerife

Our holiday season included a trip for Chris and I ALONE to the Canery Islands, while my parents visited and took care of the kids. Sandy and Jess helped me surprise him for his 40th birthday and it was a great vacation! This was followed by a visit from the Olmsteads for Christmas Day. We rang in the New Year in our traditional manner, by all being asleep before 11pm! Ha! How times have changed since our younger, wilder years.

Maddie's First Birthday!

Seeing the Queen's Horses in St John's Wood for the last time


We've been enjoying the new year here in London and it even snowed this past weekend, which was a real treat for the kids. We even managed some sledding in Primrose Hill, with borrowed sleds of course. We are also eagerly preparing for our first real European family vacation, skiing in Switzerland at the end of the month. We're all VERY excited. :)

Maddie after a long walk pushing the basket down the hall.

The picture above was from our movie night on the last night with Grammy Boutwell. She stayed for 2 weeks in January to help me recover from bladder surgery. We had a wonderful visit and the baby was even giving her kisses by the time she left! Very sweet indeed.

On a more personal note, I recently sent an email to a good friend here in London and asked her if she ever feels like she's wasting her life. She responded in the affirmative, which made me think again about this choice I've made. To dedicate my life, well my life right NOW, to my family. Moving abroad while adding a third child to the chaos of our home, trying to help these children grow up to be productive members of our society, or at the very least not HIT each other regularly, trying to remain sane and somewhat healthy and attractive while also devoting an inordinate amount of time to meal preparation and planning, and trying to figure out how to appear productive on pinterest, seemingly with very little success.

Still I'm unable to navigate my daily life without many doubts and fears about my choices. I live vicariously through so many others around me, and wonder when MY time will start again. Funny enough my friend suggested a life coach. I laughed and laughed, asking myself and her, is it ok to make fun of a 'life coach' to their face or only behind their back? And then I thought, hmmm... maybe I should just BECOME a life coach. Wouldn't that solve all my problems at once? Ha! But really, my problems are the best kind to have and I am thankful daily for the blessings and choices that I face and struggle with. I am truly so lucky to live this life of mine. So onwards...

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya Mere- and also know that I need to embrace and treasure every moment- but sometimes its hard to remember to do that....i would love a life coach!!! or a nanny...or just someone to put the dishes away tonight!!!miss you- nikki
