Monday, February 8, 2010

He is a TERROR!

I mean this in the sweetest way possible... my son is a pain in the butt! He has got to be one of the whiniest, most demanding, stubborn and difficult to please toddlers I've ever met. Now, I'm sure my increasing age (this week 35), general lack of patience, and the fact that he's my second child all contribute to this assessment. But I feel like I need to document my frustration with him, so that I can provide an accurate picture of his childhood to him later in life. He might be cute, but I don't want him to ever get the idea that he was an "easy" child! :)

His day begins... He wakes up, talks for a bit, and sometimes I get lucky and he sleeps until 7am. I dress him immediately upon waking because if I don't he's so rambunctious it's hard to get him dressed later. Then comes breakfast, or in his case, me trying to give him anything I can think of that he might like, as he eats 30% and throws the rest on the floor. I'm sure our dining room has permanent yogurt, oatmeal and milk stains on places I can't even see. Breakfast, and the rest of the day for that matter, also includes a lot of screaming and this whining sound that I can't quite put into words. It's like a combination of a high-pitched, incessant crying and the sound of someone's nails on a chalk board. I mean it... IT's BAD!

Chris Jr. is a weird little guy. He seems to want to eat all the time, except when I try to actually sit him down for meals. He refuses to stay in his booster seat, but prefers to wander around the house eating. All the while, dropping food, smudging all the furniture and generally contributing to the sticky mess that over takes our house on most days.

In his defense, there are a few little things that save my little guy... his eyelashes are longer than any adult I've ever met. He has this adorable naughty smile, when he looks at me a little sideways, right before he does something he knows he's not supposed to do. It just kills me. He's also completely obsessed with cleaning. Constantly looking for wipes and the broom. He even gets under furniture, so maybe as he gets a little older, and will follow even the simplest of directions, I might be able to put him to work.

And boy does he love is Mommy. It's endearing, but can be quite exhausting too. When I think of him I laugh and cry all at the same time. It's like this weird emotional roller coaster we're all on. We can't live with him, but I can't even remember my life without him. Truly, having children is so much harder than I thought it would be. But with all that said... I wouldn't change a thing! Not one thing! Well... maybe a few things, but none of the ones that really matter, and that's all that counts! Right?

1 comment:

  1. Right! I have two little monsters myself, that drive me certifiably insane, My daughter (almost 5) cries and whines and screeches so much I think my ears actually started bleeding once. My son (three) terrorizes the cat and has the loudest voice I've ever heard in life. I'm always like, "Take it down like a thousand notches!" BUT, at the same time, they are cute and sweet, dolling out kisses, hugs and "I love you mommy(s)" (between screeches). They're experts at keeping me on the line with the well timed display of cuteness. I'm hooked for sure.
