Monday, February 22, 2010

Vancouver 2010

Well, to say our trip was amazing would be an understatement. We had a blast! It seemed like everything went exactly as planned, when was the last time that happened to anyone?? Oh wait, my kids weren't there! Ha! But really, it was too much fun. We arrived late Tuesday and went straight to sleep. Oh, and no jet-lag to speak of, VERY different from my trip to China when I kept waking up at 3am. Renie and I had no problem sleeping in until at least 8am each day! Nice long, leisurely breakfasts each day, and I actually got to read the paper!

Wednesday we walked all around Stanley Park. I guess this is one of the places Vancouver is known for. It's HUGE! And so beautiful. Great views of the city and 6km of walking trails around the perimeter alone. Then we had lunch and relaxed a bit in the afternoon. Did a little shopping and then it was off to
Short Track Speed Skating to see Apollo Ono! Wow!

Thursday was more walking, we explored Chinatown and did
more souvenir shopping. There were SO many people, but everyone was very nice. And the people in Vancouver seemed happy to have so many visitors. As we were looking at our map, Renie and I were stopped on numerous occasions and asked if we needed directions. Thursday night we went to the men's Figure Skating Free Skate competition and actually got to watch the US competitor, Evan Lysacek, win the gold! That was pretty cool.

Friday was probably the most fun. We spent the entire day skiing in Whistler. What an amazing place! If you haven't gone, schedule a trip. I am a total beginner, but we had lessons all day, and it was still so much fun. I felt so accomplished at the end of the day, and on my last and hardest run I only fell three times! lol I can't wait to take the kids on a winter ski trip soon. Could not have been a more successful girls trip... now I just have to got back with my husband and kids. :)

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