Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter Storm 2010

Well, our 12 inches of snow this year came on a Wednesday and began in the morning. No school and weather not really conducive to playing outside led to a lot of idle time indoors. We passed the day with a nice fire, time jumping and playing with Uncle Timmy, and a lot of whining and crying.

Josephine also perfected her somersault technique as you can see in the picture. Overall it was a very fun storm, though we were all quite happy to be out of the house the following day. Unfortunately sledding had to wait until Grandpa arrived later
in the week. Chris Jr. was not into the snow. Most of our outings consisted of him crying a little and wanting to be held. I think the bright sun reflecting on the snow bothered his eyes, they were watering the entire time we were there. All the while, Josephine went up and down the hill at least 20 times. She also borrowed a snow board and tried that twice; she almost made it down the second time!

And it has been some kind of record for sledding, Josephine has now gone five days in a row! Four with Grandpa Boutwell and then again today with her "best friend" Ella.

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